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Fatal Error
by Nancy Ellis Taylor

She was wired
and wanting
never enough
in his fingertips

Then he forgot
her password
was no answer

Fatal Error
Fatal Error

The backflow
was enormous
she shorted out
against white sheets
leaving scorch marks
and broken


Nancy Ellis Taylor is a poet who gives readings several times a year in the L.A. area at such venues as the Midnight Special Bookstore, Pepperdine University and the El Segundo Public Library. Her work has appeared in a variety of journals, including Rouge et Noir, Expressionists, Xenophilia, Prisoners of the Night, and The Magazine of Speculative Poetry. She's also a screenwriter and specializes in horror and dark fantasy with her writing partner Denise Dumars.


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"Fatal Error" © Nancy Ellis Taylor. Used by permission of the author.
 Raven Electrick © Karen A. Romanko. Clipart by Corel®.