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2004 Rhysling Anthology
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Best SF/F/H Poetry

Just Before the Bang
by Justin Stanchfield

Regard, a universe firmly two-sided,
Matter and anti, forever divided.

Til a boy from down here,
And a girl from out there,
Both fell in love, and neither one cared
One little bit for their tense situation,
Forbidden to balance the other's equation.

"It just isn't fair," lamented the lovers,
"That matter and anti be kept from each other."

When the dust and the heat had finally cooled down,
No trace of the lovers was e'er to be found.
What might have happened? I know only this:
The last words she spoke,
"Come, give us a kiss."


Justin Stanchfield lives with his wife and kids on a Montana cattle ranch, a stone's throw from the Continental Divide. His work has appeared in various publications including Boys' Life, Paradox and Gothic.net. He is currently serving a one year sentence as the treasurer of SFWA.


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"Just Before the Bang" © Justin Stanchfield. Used by permission of the author.
 Raven Electrick © Karen A. Romanko. Masthead Clipart by Corel®.