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The Day Before October
by Wendy Rathbone

The day before October
I drowse in the honeyed light
almost warm
not quite cold
my dreams scouting rain

Bending over me
as if to steal my sleeping breath
the scarecrow says
"Make me a world of
withering wind and
ripening leaves
where the raven bows
where straw has a soul

Wendy Rathbone has had over 500 poems published in the professional and small press. Her chapbook Scrying the River Styx won first place in the Anamnesis Press Chapbook Contest in 1998. Most recent are two books, a story and poetry collection entitled Dreams of Decadence Presents: Wendy Rathbone and Tippi N. Blevins and a poetry chapbook Dancing In the Haunted Woodlands from Yellow Bat Press. Most of her time is spent running an Internet retail business and traveling to Renaissance faires selling her wares, but she still finds time to write poetry, her first love, which she has been doing since the age of 12.

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"The Day Before October" © Wendy Rathbone. Used by permission of the author.
 Raven Electrick © Karen A. Romanko. Clipart by Corel®.