R. D. Robbins lives in a loft in New York City, which affords considerable opportunity to view the eccentricities of the population. Unfortunately, there is little opportunity to see the stars in the night sky. His fiction and poetry have been published in, or are awaiting publication in, Virginia Adversaria, Algonquin Roundtable Review, Vermont Ink, Black Petals, Futures Magazine, The Nocturnal Lyric, Blood Moon Rising, Redsine, Yellow Bat Review, The Rockford Review, Hadrosaur Tales, Dark Angel Rising, Glyph and others. His website is www.daysofthegiants.com. |
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"Final Days" © R. D. Robbins. Used by permission
of the author.
Raven Electrick © Karen A. Romanko.
Clipart by Corel®.