David C. Kopaska-Merkel has had poetry and short fiction published in dozens of venues since 1986, including Strange Horizons, Speculon, Space and Time, Magazine of Speculative Poetry, Mythic Delirium, and Aoife's Kiss. He edits and publishes Dreams and Nightmares, and edited Star*Line, the journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, for 6 years. Morgan Kopaska-Merkel's writing credits include fiction in Pegasus Online and poetry in Dreams and Nightmares. David and Morgan "are no more closely related to one another than any two random individuals based on a common genetic code." David resides in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, "where the dentist is king and the summer is sultry." Morgan lives "in a town named after one of the most infamous mass murderers in the history of the British Empire, and has been accused of vampirism." You can learn more about David’s nefarious activities at his home page; Morgan prefers to keep her transgressions pseudonymous. |
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"Plantations" © David C. Kopaska-Merkel & Morgan
Kopaska-Merkel. Used by permission of the authors.
Raven Electrick © Karen A. Romanko.
Clipart by Corel®.