S.S. Raven
Raven Poetrick
wRiter's Guidelines 
Raven's Rumors
Raven's Roost
Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic
Salt Water Rafting
by Mary Jo Rabe

We remember the wild and turbulent rides
On flakes of rocks 
Back when the oceans gushed up and out,
Deluging the Martian surface.

We were millions, and we were one,
A mega-cellular creature of countless components,
Linked loosely in the electrically 
Charged brine.

Our rafts clung to the furious waves;
As we flew, landed, and then dived,
Sharing spills and thrills,
Creating symbiotic memories for millennia.

Now in the quiet times
We float on slushy underground lakes,
Moving lazily in loops and swirls,
Waiting for the next asteroid impact
To lift us up for one more ride.


Mary Jo Rabe grew up on a farm in eastern Iowa and earned a B.A. in German and Math from Michigan State University and an M.A. in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has been employed in a special library in Freiburg, Germany since 1976. Mary Jo is a member of the Science Fiction Poetry Association and is working on a collection of Mars poems. Her poems have been published in Pandora, Stygian Articles, The Martian Wave, Astropoetica, and The Sword Review. She lives with her husband in a small town in the Black Forest.


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"Salt Water Rafting" © 2008 Mary Jo Rabe. Used by permission of the author.
 Raven Electrick © 2000-2008 Karen A. Romanko.